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The Human Immunome Project

The Human Immunome Project  Every week I learn something new and interesting in Medical Automation and Innovation News. This week I learned about The Human Immunome Project (HIP), a groundbreaking scientific endeavor aimed at comprehensively mapping and unlocking the secrets of the human immune system. By constructing a vast database of immune system data from […]

AI in Healthcare – Part 3

AI in Healthcare – Part 3 This will be my last article about the mini-series “AI in Healthcare”. In “Ai in Healthcare – Part 2”, I focused on radiology and drug development. I will now wrap up the series with impacts closer to patients and healthcare workers.  In personalized medicine, AI can analyze a patient’s […]

AI in Healthcare – Part 2

AI in Healthcare – Part 2 As I mentioned in “AI in Healthcare – Part 1”, the use of AI in healthcare has roots going back into the 1950s alongside the development of the field of AI itself. Progress was limited for decades, but now things have changed dramatically. A handful of factors ignited the […]

AI in Healthcare – Part 1

AI in Healthcare – Part 1 After I finished my doctorate in health administration (at age 69), I wrote Health Attitude: Unraveling and Solving the Complexities of Healthcare, a book on what I had learned about the American healthcare system. That was 2015. Since then, there have been medical advances, but in my opinion, the […]

AI to Revolutionize the Stethoscope

AI to Revolutionize the Stethoscope Connor Landsgraf, CEO of San Francisco startup Eko Devices, believes it is time to upgrade the stethoscope, which he pointed out has not changed since the 1880s.  He claims many physicians do not get adequate training on how to interpret the sounds they hear with a classic stethoscope. He says […]