The trip began with a flight from New York to Los Angeles and then on to Auckland, New Zealand. The eighteen hours of flight took us from 40° 45 minutes North latitude 73° 59 minutes West longitude (New York) to 36° 51 minutes South latitude 174° 46 minutes East longitude (Auckland, NZ) — nearly 9,000 miles from home. All in all, the trip included five long flights and twelve nights at sea. Below is a table showing the stops along the way with their latitude, longitude, and distance from home.
DateLocation LatitudeLongitude Miles from home
02/19/2005New York, NY 40° 45′ N 073° 59′ W65
02/19/2005Los Angeles, CA34° 00′ N118° 12′ W 2,444
02/23/2005 Auckland, New Zealand 36° 51′ S 174° 46′ E 8,852
02/25/2005Wellington, New Zealand 41° 16′ S174° 47′ E8,984
02/26/2005Christchurch, New Zealand 43° 37′ S 172° 43′ E 9,143
02/27/2005Dunedin, New Zealand 45° 49′ S 170° 37′ E9,292
02/27/2005Off SW tip of New Zealand 45° 56′ S166° 21′ E 9,491
02/28/2005In Fiordland, New Zealand 45° 46′ S166° 38′ E9,474
03/03/2005Hobart, Tasmania, Australia 42° 53′ S 147° 20′ E 10,354
03/05/2005Melbourne, Australia 37° 51′ S 144° 56′ E 10,386
03/06/2005Between Melbourne & Sydney 38° 55′ S147° 48′ E 10,262
03/07/2005Sydney, Australia 34° 00′ S151° 12′ E9,961
03/07/2005Los Angeles, CA34° 00′ N 118° 12′ W2,444
03/08/2005 New York, NY 40° 45′ N 073° 59′ W65