Fifty years ago, in 1966, The Hondells created a TV advertisement about owning a Honda motorbike. The advertising slogan of the time was “You meet the nicest people on a Honda.” I thought of this just yesterday while I was at the Apple store in Danbury, Connecticut. I was there to pick up my Apple Watch which was being replaced under warranty due to a defect which developed on the screen. A gentleman at one of the tables insisted on helping me synchronize the new watch with my iPhone. The man told me he is 72 and had retired from a business he owned 16 years ago. Now he works 40 hours per week at the store. He said Apple is a great company to work for because they allow him to take a 2 1/2 month leave each year to go to Africa. He manages an orphanage for baby elephants there. He said the carnage of grown elephants for their ivory is at a record level, and at the current rate, there will be no more elephants in 12 years. Assuring survival of baby elephants is critical. You meet the nicest people at an Apple store.