Physical Exam with doctorA new friend in Florida invited me to give a talk about the Future of the Internet. Approximately 50 people came on election day for a buffet lunch and an informal talk with Q&A. My intensified interest in healthcare has caused me to orient most of the Internet technology examples toward clinical cases or health policy. (The latest slides from my presentation can be found here). The Q&A session was dominated by healthcare questions–it is clearly a subject on most of our minds. My new friend, Eric Lutker, is a retired psychologist and lifelong learner. He suggested that we start a new blog to focus on, guess what? Healthcare. So, the early part of the weekend was spent setting up the new blog which we named the Healthcare Discussions Forum ( So far there are a half-dozen posts by Eric and me but Eric has let a few hundred of his friends know about it and by this post I am sharing it with patrickWeb readers. Who knows where this is headed but, if you are interested in what we are doing, please stop by the site.
Note: July 4, 2013 – the Healthcare Discussions Forum is no longer operational.